Child Safe Commitment in the Service
What the children say
Wattle Children Services has a commitment to child safety, and leaders champion a child safe culture both inside and outside the organisation. Our service achieves this by:
Sharing Child safety at all levels of the organisation.Implementing Risk management plans focus on identifying, preventing and lowering risks to children.Staff understand and comply with Codes of Conduct that sets clear behavioural standards when interacting with children.Staff understand their obligations in reporting, sharing information and keeping records.
"Based on extensive
research and consultation, the Standards provide
tangible guidance for organisations to create cultures,
adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children
first, to keep them safe from harm." - Guide to the CHild Safe Standards
Under the Child Safe Scheme, certain child-related organisations in NSW must put into action the Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Free training events, resources and eLearning from the Office of the Children's Guardian to help your organisation be child-safe.